The Flash and Supergirl musical crossover, titled “Duet” featuring Music Meister, will air on The CW March 21. Dermott Downs will direct, not Joss Whedon as previously rumored. The network highlights performances from Grant Gustin, Melissa Benoist, Jesse L. Martin, Victor Garber, Carlos Valdes, Jeremy Jordan and John Barrowman. David Harewood and Chris Wood are listed as non-singing guests.
Who will play Music Meister, a villain who controls people by song, is still unclear. Fans are hoping for Neil Patrick Harris to reprise his role. He voiced Music Meister during an episode of Batman: The Brave and the Bold in 2009. Harris didn’t confirm, or deny, the role in a recent interview. Garber and Barrowman will be coming from DC’s Legends of Tomorrow , where they are series regulars. It will be interesting to see Malcolm Merlyn’s reaction to Supergirl, since he wasn’t around for the “Invasion!” crossover event.