Fortnite Battle Royale players may have noticed a listing for “Shooting Test #1” as an available mode. While Epic Games mentioned it in a Development Update and blog post late last week, here’s a recap of everything we know about it.
Shooting Test 1 is the first of two tests that will ultimately decide how Fortnite’s shooting mechanics will change in the future. Pistol sniping and favored weapon combinations have become too popular in the current meta, so Epic is attempting to introduce a shot system that takes distance, target type and ammo availability into consideration.
With those goals in mind, Shooting Test 1 analyzes how a First-Shot Accuracy model functions within Fortnite. Indicated by a glowing red reticle, all shots in this limited-time mode have first-shot accuracy while standing still, aiming down sights or at peak spray time. In addition, headshot critical hits have been reduced alongside an initial damage fall-off stat for Fortnite’s most overpowered weapons.

Here are a few specifics players should be aware of:
- Shotgun damage is now 150 percent instead of 250 percent.
- Weapons with headshot crits are 200 percent damage instead of 250 percent.
- Damage applies at 100 percent in a fixed range.
- Fall-off begins at different ranges depending on weapon and decreases to 70 percent damage.
- Fall-off does not apply to snipers, explosive weapons or shotguns.
- Semi-auto sniper damage increased to 75/78 from 63/66
- Scoped assault rifle buffed - 25/26 from 23/24
- Buff of plus two damage to all SMGs
An end date for Shooting Test 1 has not been disclosed, but we know it’s the first of two tests to be unleashed on the Battle Royale community. The next test focuses on a system of perfect shot accuracy with the addition of recoil stats for all weapons. Once both tests have finished, the data will be considered alongside fan feedback to determine the best shooting model for the rest of the game.
These shooting changes arrive just after the introduction of the Minigun and before the next two weapons in the game’s gun pipeline. Development posts indicate that a Crossbow and gun with explosive bullets will be brought to Battle Royale in the coming weeks. While Epic continues to improve Fortnite’s gameplay performance and network stability, the next big update is scheduled to arrive on Valentine’s Day.
Fortnite is in early access across PS4, Xbox One and PC.
What are your thoughts on Fortnite’s first Shooting Test? Which shooting model is best for the rest of the game? Tell us in the comments section!