'Game of Thrones' Season 6 Spoilers: The Episode 6 And 7 Descriptions Reveal More Than You Know

Bran and the Night's King.
Bran and the Night's King. HBO

Game of Thrones Season 6 has had its share of shocking reveals already, from the origin of the White Walkers to the creation of Hodor. So what could be left in the remaining five episodes of the season? The episode descriptions for “Blood of My Blood” and “The Broken Man” hint at reveals to come.

Game of Thrones Season 6 episode 6, “Blood of My Blood,” airs May 29. Here’s the newly released official description:

“An old foe comes back into the picture. Gilly meets Sam’s family. Arya faces a difficult choice. Jaime faces off against the High Sparrow.”

So what does all cryptic fluffery mean? The video preview for the next episode doesn’t really tell us all that much:

Here are some of our best guesses:

  • The Hound returns. We know that Ian McShane will reintroduce us to Sandor Clegane and it’s hard to imagine a better “old foe” for Brienne to run into on her way to the Riverlands to treat with Brynden “the Blackfish” Tully.
  • Sam’s dad, Randyll Tarly, is a huge dick. He’s also the bearer of Heartsbane, one of the most baller Valyrian steel sword in all of Westeros. If Sam really wants to help the war effort against the White Walkers he’ll either have to reconcile with his dad, or beat the old butthole over the head with a leg of mutton and run off with poppy’s sword.
  • Arya feels bad about killing actors. Will she go through with it? With Bran retreating from The North and Jon Snow abandoning his post at The Wall, the Starks seem to be aligning for their end game. Arya can’t stay with those Faceless murderers forever… maybe this difficult choice will see her pick up Needle once more?
  • As much as it would please everyone to see The Mountain peel away the High Sparrow’s smug vocal cords, his presence in the episode 6 description suggest that Jaime and the Tyrell’s assault on the Sept of Baelor doesn’t go according to plan.

The description for Game of Thrones Season 6 episode 7 has also been released by HBO. If anything it’s even more cryptic. Here’s the official description for “The Broken Man”:

“The High Sparrow eyes another target. Jaime confronts a hero. Arya makes a plan. The North is reminded.”

  • Another target? The Queen and the Queen Mother weren’t enough, High Sparrow? We’ve already seen the High Sparrow grooming Tommen, so maybe that little idiot is going to compound his failed ruled with some good ol’ royal piousness.
  • Hmmm… what hero could Jaime confront? No clue on this one. Right now he’s still in King’s Landing, but what about a reunion with Brienne? Who knows.
  • Arya’s plan better be “go ride a dragon with Daenerys.” But really anything would be better than “let’s do more stick fighting with Waif.” Any plan’s a good plan Arya, get away from those creeps.
  • The North is reminded about how dope the Starks are. Or maybe they’re reminded how easily kids burn as Ramsay hangs Rickon on and upside cross and torches him.

But the biggest question for Game of Thrones Season 6 episode 7 has to be “who is the titular Broken Man?” Game of Thrones ain’t exactly short on broken candidates, but my money’d be on Sandor “The Hound” Clegane or Jorah Mormont.

There’s no way these next two Game of Thrones episodes can have as many blow-out reveals as the most recent episode, but let’s cross our fingers that the next two episodes keep up the energy and momentum Season 6 has been building. Yeah, yeah, Valar morghulis, but watch TV in the meantime.

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