Arya got smoked in the latest episode of Game of Thrones Season 6, and by smoked, we mean stabbed by the waif for deciding that she wasn’t no one after all. Arya Stark is reclaiming her identity, but possibly at the cost of her life. Luckily, we don’t really have to worry about her surviving. But she can’t save herself. Somebody has to save her… and only one character will choose to do it. Queen Cersei.
How Queen Cersei Will Save Arya

Many people in Braavos could save Arya, but none of them are going to bother. That sea captain certainly won’t do it, not for a few bags of gold, and he probably wouldn’t notice her anyhow. Braavos is a huge, faceless city, and Arya’s only friends are now enemies. That’s why her enemies will now become her friends. Arya recently tried to kill the actress who played Queen Cersei in the play she saw in Braavos before having the change of heart that led her to reclaim Needle—and fight again for her identity as Arya Stark.
Cersei the actor is the only person in Braavos who cares about Arya. After all, Arya just saved her life from the poisoned rum. Granted, Arya put the poison there in the first place, but actress-Cersei doesn’t know that. She just knows the little girl who saved her, and looked like she was lost.
Arya should run to the players and get their help. The queen will help her, heal her, bring her into the troupe—for a time. But the Faceless Men don’t give up so easily, and they want both actress-Cersei and Arya Stark dead. The former may not last long… but she can at least save Arya first. Perhaps she’ll even get Arya out of Braavos with the troupe before Jaqen/the waif/Syrio Forel track her down.
Truth is, Arya has no other recourse. Until recently, she was “no one,” and she has made no friends in Braavos. Nor are any other characters currently in the city, or anywhere near it. Arya has to turn to the players and hope for the best. But she can’t stay with them long, and must soon make her way to Westeros to kill the real Queen Cersei. But first she must be saved by a fake Queen Cersei. It’s quite the turnabout, isn’t it?