Whether you’re a casual gamer or a daily grinder, the Prestige System of Harry Potter: Wizards Unite is a good goal to chase after. It’s a system that “erases” your current progress and allows you to earn more XP. If that sounds a bit confusing, don’t worry as we explain more about this.
If you’ve played the game, then you may already be familiar with the Confoundables and Foundables. You need to beat the Confoundables in order to return the Foundables. To see the Foundables you need to pick up, you need to go to the Registry. To do this you need to click on the Suitcase icon, the one in the middle, at the bottom of the screen and then choose Registry. Registry has the feather and ink symbol.
Back to Basics
Once you enter the Registry, you should see ten different categories which are:
- Care of Magical Creatures
- Dark Arts
- Hogwarts School
- Legends of Hogwarts
- Ministry of Magic
- Magizoology
- Magical Games and Sports
- Mysterious Artifacts
- Wonders of the Wizarding World
- Oddities
Now each category has its own album with each having its own components. For Care of Magical Creatures, for example, the Hagrid’s Hut album has these components:
- Hagrid’s Hut
- Abraxan Winged Horse
- Buckbeak
- Baby Norwegian Ridgeback
- Rubeus Hagrid
In order to complete the Foundables, you need to find fragments and place them on the corresponding component. Some only need one fragment, while others can require more than 10 fragments.
Prestige System
So what is the Prestige System all about? At some point in time, you are bound to complete at least one album. Now the problem is that there is no way of knowing what Foundables are available. In our previous example, it’s highly possible that even if you completed the Hagrid’s Hut album, you continue to meet and acquire Buckbeak fragments.

Well the Prestige System solves that, kind of. Once you complete a page, you are given the choice to Prestige the page. Once you do, all progress you have made so far on that page is removed. Two things then happen.
Upgraded Frame
First is that the frame of the page is upgraded. For now, there are four Prestige Ranks and gives you these frames:
- Standard
- Bronze
- Silver
- Gold
Back to Scratch
Second is that since your collection has been “erased,” you need to gather them all again. This time around though, you get a higher amount of XP.
Initially it sounds good but this time around the number of fragments needed to complete a Foundable is increased. In the Dark Arts standard page, for instance, Magick Moste Evile is only one fragment under the Standard frame. Once you upgrade to Bronze, you now need ten fragments. This again increases when you upgrade to Silver, and yet again when in Gold.
That doesn’t necessarily mean more grinding, but it gives some breathing room especially if you’ve been encountering pretty much the same Foundables.
At its core, the Prestige System enables players to increase their level at a long-term basis. Remember that for now, the level cap in the game is set at 60. If you are set on reaching that, you need to do some serious grinding.
The good thing about the Prestige System is that it can work for both casual gamer and the serious grinder. For the serious grinder, this could allow for faster levelling up. For the casual gamer, it’s a good way to gather XP and slowly level. This is also useful especially if you’re a region that is limited to a certain category like Ministry of Magic.
Ready to give the Prestige System a go? Raise your wands and start hunting!