Blizzard just officially announced Whispers of The Old Gods will be the next Hearthstone expansion and will be released in April or early May. Ben Brode and Yong Woo, two of Hearthstone’s lead developers, sat down at the casters desk, wearing cloaks. Ben Brode said: “It’s not the same thing we’ve done before.” The set will contain 134 new cards, with some being corrupted versions of old classics. Polluted Hoarder, Corrupted Healbot and Valdiated Doomsayer are all upgraded versions of classic cards.
The new cards in the set focus on the Old Gods, beings chained beneath the earth who wield immeasurable evil power. Their influence has spread through Azeroth, in whispers and tall tales. There will be four legendary cards of the Old Gods, N’Zoth, C'thun, Yogg-Saron, and Y’Shaarj and 16 cards that buff them. Beckoner of Evil and Twilight Elder each give one of the elders, C’thun, more stats.
C’thun will be free to anyone that opens a pack of Whispers of the Old Gods alongside the five regular cards in a pack. He is a powerful card that does random damage equal to his attack value. Blizzard will give three packs to players that log in when the set starts.
A preorder of 50 packs for the set will be available for preorder on Monday, when Blizzard releases a new patch. With the preorder you also a brand new card back, featuring a creepy eyeball that moves. The patch will have a preview of the user interface used to switch between formats, give deck recipes and have a search filter for your collection. The biggest addition has to be the nine extra deck slots that players have been demanding for years. I can now have two shaman decks and not feel like I’m wasting space.
Throughout this week’s tournament, and in weeks to come Blizzard, will be unveiling some more cards to whet our palates. I more than welcome our new tentacle overlords.