‘Injustice 2’ Story Elements Teased In Online Beta Fighting Dialogue

  • Fighting
Supergirl joins the Injustice 2 roster.
Supergirl joins the Injustice 2 roster. NetherRealm

Injustice 2 will seemingly continue the war between Batman and Superman as the Man of Steel has become mad with power.

The reveal of the Injustice 2 story trailer shows that there is more than to the story than just the two heroes squaring off once again. It seems Brainiac will play a big role in the events of Injustice 2 , but outside of that and the reveal of some returning and new characters, there still isn’t much known about the story.

However, if you are one of the lucky few who have received an Injustice 2 online beta code, you may have noticed some story beats teased in the dialogue between heroes. In the Injustice 2 online beta, there are four characters available (Superman, Batman, Supergirl and Atrocitus) and their dialogue between each other gives clues as to what fans should expect when they dive into the story mode, especially with Supergirl.

SPOILER ALERT! The following may spoil the events of Injustice 2 and the end of the first Injustice. If you don’t want to know anything before the release turn back now.


Supergirl seems to be the main focus of Injustice 2 . Despite being one of the first characters revealed when the game was announced, she has been in almost every piece of promotional material and her dialogue while fighting teases her role in the story.

From her dialogue, we can surmise that Supergirl will come to this Earth and find her cousin Superman in jail. Perhaps she’s the one who breaks him out?

Supergirl’s dialogue with Batman suggests they are not on the same side, and Batman is trying to tell her that Superman doesn’t have noble intentions while ruling. Supergirl’s dialogue with Batman also hints he is training her to fight on his side.

She also has specific dialogue with Superman that suggests Supergirl and Superman are not on the same side and that Supergirl is trying to stop him.

It would seem that Supergirl first aligns herself with Superman before being convinced by Batman to defect to his side, after possibly seeing some of the heinous things Kal-el does.

You can listen to Supergirl’s interactions in battle, here.


The two titans square off in Injustice 2 and their dialogue with each other continues the beats from the first game. Superman killing the Joker went too far in Batman’s eyes and is “hardly the best example for Supergirl.”

Superman replies by saying, “your son would disagree.”

Robin/Damian Wayne has been revealed as the latest character in Injustice 2, and it seems he will return to haunt his father by aligning himself with Superman. Damian was in the first game as the Injustice universe’s Nightwing, but will take up the Robin mantle in the sequel. Judging from the Robin reveal trailer, Batman hasn’t forgiven Damian for the death of Dick Grayson.

You can watch all of Superman’s interactions, here.


Hal Jordan/Green Lantern played an interesting role in the first Injustice . After the death of his friend, Oliver Queen (Green Arrow), he turned to Superman and the Regime to take over the world. He even became a part of the Sinestro Corps in the process and became known as Yellow Lantern. However, at the end of the first story Hal Jordan willfully took off the Sinestro Corps ring, and he and Sinestro were sent to the Guardians of OA for their punishment.

But this doesn’t seem to be the end of Hal Jordan. Atrocitus is a new character in Injustice 2 and he is looking for the Green Lantern. In his dialogue with Batman, the Red Lantern is searching for Hal Jordan and Batman refuses to give his location.

It’s safe to assume that Hal Jordan is still on OA serving out his punishment but what is he and Atrocitus’ connection?

Watch all of Atrocitus’ interactions, here.


In Injustice , certain characters died before the story and during the story. Green Arrow’s death before the story of the first game led to many heroes joining Regime Superman.

Shazam was killed by Regime Superman for questioning his ways in pretty brutal fashion. This death actually led the Flash to switch sides, but will we see those characters return in Injustice 2 ? It is based on comic book characters so death is normally pushed to the side, though in one interaction between Batman and Superman, Bruce brings up Shazam and Green Arrow’s death. It seems that both of those characters are still dead when Injustice 2 starts out. but whether that remains the case is anyone’s guess.

Injustice 2 will release May 16.

So what do you think of the story beats of Injustice 2 so far? What do you think will happen? Sound off in the comments section below.

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