Are you a fan of King of Fighters? If so, good news for you as developer SNK Global announced that its upcoming game will be supported on multiple platforms when it launches early next year.
SNG Global tweeted that King of Fighters XV will run on Playstation 4, Playstation 5, Microsoft Xbox Series X/S, and PC via Epic Games Store and Steam.
— SNK GLOBAL (@SNKPofficial) July 6, 2021
KOF XV will launch on PlayStation®5, PlayStation®4, Xbox Series X|S, Windows 10, Steam, and the Epic Games Store Q1 2022!#SNK #KOF #KOF15
This is pretty exciting news considering that its predecessor, King of Fighters XIV, was launched exclusively on Playstation 4. It was ported to Japanese arcade machines and on PC a year after.
It is also worth noting that Xbox users can enjoy the upcoming fighting game immediately after its release. If you can remember, King of Fighters XIII was ported to Xbox 360 in 2011, but not KOF XIV even years after its launch.
Positive Fan Response
After the company made the announcement, fans got hyped. Most of the responses were positive, which is no surprise.
User @ Abubravado requested a trailer following the announcement. Another user replied that a new trailer will be released tomorrow, July 7.
Some users thanked the company for its move to simultaneously release the game on multiple platforms.
User @Buster_Boy22 also thanked SNK Global, but they are hoping that crossplay will be enabled in the future.
Another user pointed out that while they are happy with the game's arrival on the Xbox, Nintendo Switch has been left out.
When is the Release Date?
King of Fighters XV Producer Yasuyuki Oda has announced last month that the game will be released in Q1 2022.
According to Oda, the delay is due to the rising cases of Covid-19 in Japan. Although the decision was tough for them, developers had to alter the release window as “quality must come first.”
The reason for delaying the game is understandable. After all, the world is still suffering from the dreaded virus. That said, it is better to move the release date and have a more polished product than a game full of bugs, right?
Anyway, how do you feel about the announcement regarding the simultaneous release of King of Fighter XV on multiple platforms?