Last night, a League of Legends record was broken. Froggen, who’s known for his farm-aggressive style, scored the most CS in any professional game of League . In the incredibly long Dignitas vs. Echo Fox game on Saturday, Froggen got 764 CS in the over 67 minute game. Keith, the ADC for Echo Fox, scored the second place spot, at 738 CS. Froggen previously held the unofficial record for reaching 300 CS the fastest in competitive play at the group stages at Season 2 Worlds.
Froggen has always farmed better than his opponents, and that’s usually how he maintains leads. His favorite champion, Anivia, is one of the best farmers in the game. Anivia’s ultimate easily kills entire waves of minions. In this game, Froggen played Gangplank, who is also an amazing farmer. He can place his barrels in waves of minions, and kill them all with one powder keg explosion. All Gangplank has to do is sit on the side lanes and constantly push waves into the enemy's’ towers.
The last record holders were Coco and Space at 726 CS and 719 CS during the Champions Spring 2015. The Jin Air Greenwings vs. CJ Entus match still holds the record for longest game of professional League ever, sitting at 79 minutes and 45 seconds. Froggen and Keith managed to beat their CS record by 13 minutes, though a lot of that number came from killing Zz’rot portal minions. They count as a creep for CS, but do not give gold when a champion kills them.
The game itself was a real nail biter. Dignitas had gotten four barons,two inhibitors and fifth dragon multiple times, and still threw the game. There’s an old proverb said by Scarra at the analyst deck many moons ago: “Dignitas is winning until they are losing.” Just watch this four minute VOD and see what a true League of Legends cluster fuck looks like.
For those of you that have that no idea what you’re looking at, let me explain: Dignitas, with all of those buffs and advantages, pushed into EF’s base where they were nearly aced by good teamwork and GP barrels. EF takes this opportunity to push into Dignitas’ base, easily destroying their inhibitor. As the members Dignitas of start to spawn, they try to defend what’s left of their base. If EF loses this push, they lose the game so they know they have to kill the nexus. After getting chased off, Keith and Big manage to sneak back into Dignitas’ base and just barely kill the nexus.
I leave you with what Keith tweeted after last night’s game.