Riot has unveiled the first Hextech Crafting exclusive skin . Hextech Annie is the newest skin out on the PBE, and it’s only available by combining 10 rare gems. Riot Miross says gems can be acquired through rare drops on normal and promotional chests, or by picking up special promo chest bundles. Hextech Crafting allows you to get skins, temporarily and permanently, and even champions through drops. You need keys to open chests, and the drop rates on them are extremely low. You’ll need multiple keys and boxes to even get one skin.
The skin won’t be coming out at launch; they are just testing it now. Bear in mind though, anything to do with Hextech Crafting can change before it goes live. The only server to have the crafting service on live is Turkey, and if it continues to work well there it should move to other servers.
I’m an Annie nut, and this skin looks amazing. She gets new blue auto attacks and all of her spells got fancy “tech” effects. Her Incinerate now has a range indicator, which makes playing Annie even easier. The steampunk Tibbers looks like a combination of Blitzcrank and Full Metal Jayce, inside a bear.
Annie now has the most skins of any champion in the game. She essentially has double the skins, since Tibbers gets dressed up too.