'League of Legends' Patch 6.7 Brings Balance To Most Meta Champions

NOTE: This article is a contribution and do not necessarily represent the views of Player One.
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The theme of League of Legends Patch 6.7 is “nerf all the champions that have dominated the metagame since LCS is over.” We got a whole lot of fan favorites on the chopping block, all deserving of the nerfs Riot is dishing out.

Every champion (but Aurelion Sol) has been a competitive mainstay since Season Six started. Except for Poppy, who took a few buffs and people to get used to before they realized how OP she was. Riot realized that for a tank she does way too much damage, so they nerfed her passive and E range and lowered her Q damage. She will still be a highly contested pick, but now you should be able to at least out play the powerhouse Yordle.

Lane Rammus has become a bit too popular, so they lowered the damage on his ultimate. Corki lost .1 AD on his auto attacks, which won’t affect him in the slightest. Udyr lost damage on Phoenix Stance, and Trick2G wishes Runic Echoes was never a thing. Soraka lost some healing because let’s face it, she’s too powerful. Nidalee, Zed and Jhin all lost damage as well. These were all necessary nerfs that should have been made two patches ago, but better late than never.

The only item nerf was given to Maw of Malmortius. They lowered its base MR by 10 and got rid of the attack speed bonus. This item has been a blemish on the game since it’s rework and I’m so happy they nerfed it. Ranged Champions with Warlord’s Bloodlust lost some lifesteal on minions, making bot lane trades a little more important.

Death timers have been lowered, vision is less buggy and we now have rotating game modes; it’s like Riot read my journal. This patch is going to make MSI so much fun to watch.

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