'Mass Effect: Andromeda' Bugs Make The Game Too Big, But Devs Tease Great Lighting & Sound

The writer of Mass Effect Andromeda has joined the Destiny team
The writer of Mass Effect Andromeda has joined the Destiny team BioWare

Mass Effect: Andromeda remains in the tick of development as we inch toward a probable N7 Day reveal. New tweets from designers at BioWare have teased the game’s impressive lighting and sound in the face of size-related bugs.

First and foremost is level designer Jos Hendriks. As of Monday he said “unexpectedly and problematically, there appears to be a whole lot more #space in one of my missions this morning than is intended.” He further added, “you wouldn't think that there could be such a thing as too much #space, but today proves there is. (it's a bug, naturally.)” While it’s hard to say for sure exactly what was happening, one might guess the mission had more open area than desired.

Of course, not all is bad in development land, as proven by studio design lead Ian Frazier. In another tweet from Monday, he mentioned that “Lighting, audio, and UI polish make SUCH a difference in moment-to moment-fun” of the new game. The improvement was in fact so noticeable that it caused the creator to exclaim “hot damn” before coming to that realization.

Sound was also given a tip of the hat in that particular tweet, and Frazier expounded on his involvement in that department earlier in the day. “Just read a status report on our combat audio,” he told his thousands of followers. “Several bullet points include the term ‘PewPew.’” While largely meant in jest, it does offer the tiniest of hints about how Mass Effect: Andromeda will sound in combat. The pewpew audio cue is obviously a callback to the classic sci-fi sound of lasers, and apparently there will be lots of that to go around in the fourth installment. That’s certainly not earth-shattering news for a futuristic franchise like this, but it’s all we have for now.

The next major showcase for the title is the series’ created N7 Day on Nov. 7. Producers at BioWare have teased character details, spacecraft information and more for the special occasion. Gameplay footage was also shown at September’s PlayStation Meeting as well.

Mass Effect: Andromeda was first announced as early as E3 2014 and will release officially sometime next year. Leaks tip a possible arrival on March 21.

What do you want from the lighting and sound of Mass Effect: Andromeda? Will this game get delayed? Tell us in the comments section!

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