There’s a new trailer out for Finding Dory.
Are there psychopharmacological drugs for regal blue tangs? Because that could probably clear up Dory’s main problem: she forgets her friends, loved ones, and everything else. It’s terribly inconvenient for her, but useful for the plot of Finding Dory, since she keeps running into people who can explain her life to her.
Give it the ol’ eyeball or two:
Pixar’s transition from reliably original to reliably sequel-oriented has been a disappointing one for 30-something animation lovers who think Pixar should be catering to them. But boy has it been a boon for children, who get more Cars, more Finding A Fish’s Name and more Monsters: Let’s Just Make This One All Billy Crystal In College Jokes.
Childless millennials and Gen-Xers can keep salivating for The Incredibles 2 while the new parent millennials introduce their children to the stoner turtles, friendly sharks, and Ellens that so charmed us way back in 2003.
Finding Dory arrives in theaters June 17.