Riot has been consistently working on improving their outdated splash arts ever since champion updates started to become a priority . On the PBE, we have some brand new, gorgeous looking art for a bunch of League of Legends older champions. Since last Tuesday we have gotten 11 new splashes for base skins and for purchasable skins..
Some of these champions really needed newer splashes. Rammus, Warwick and Kennen looked archaic compared to their crisp in-game models. Evelynn looks less like a confused stripper and more like the stealth assassin in high heels that she is. Kennen looks like Pikachu on steroids instead of the doe-eyed monstrosity pictured on his previous splash.
I might start playing Fiddlesticks just because his new splash is so cool. These new splashes should come out in the next patch, which won’t be for a few weeks at best. Riot is currently overhauling all the splashes in the game, combining Chinese and American splashes to create consistency. A gigantic but full list of upcoming changes can be found at Surrender@20 .