New ‘Wonder Woman’ Poster: Gal Gadot Explains Why ‘Only A Woman’ Could Direct

Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman.
Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman. DC Movies

There’s not much to say about the stunning new Wonder Woman poster released at San Diego Comic-Con, other than it left me absolutely speechless with chills running down my spine.

“She has the heart of a human so she can be emotional, she’s curious, she’s compassionate, she loves people,” Gal Gadot told EW in its Comic-Con issue. “And then she has the powers of a goddess.”

“Only a woman” could direct the film in order “to tell the story in the right way,” Gadot added in the interview . Patty Jenkins ( Monster with Charlize Theron) will direct the film.

The first official Wonder Woman photo was released in March, and featured the Amazonian demigod standing with her mother, Queen Hippolyta, her military aunts General Antiope and Antiope’s lieutenant, Menalippe.

Gadot also talked about how her upbringing affects her values as a superhero, including her relationship with Steven Trevor.

“She’s a young idealist who’s been taught that the world is very simple: it’s black or white, bad or good. It’s how she was raised. It’s what she believes in and there is something charming about the simplistic way in which she sees the world. But once she falls in love and starts her journey with Steven Trevor (Chris Pine), he educates her about the complexity of mankind. There is no such thing as only good and bad, black or white. It’s complicated,” Gadot explained.

Wonder Woman arrives in theaters June 2, 2017.

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