Pokémon GO announced that it is holding the first-ever Friendship Day on April 24. This is a good day for Trainers to play the game with friends while enjoying different bonuses. For this event, players can expect to see Grass-type Pokémon appearing in the wild more often. There’s also a Collection Challenge where Trainers can get a lot of XP upon completion.
Unlike other events, it’s not going to last as Friendship Day starts 11:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m., local time.
Here are the details of Friendship Day:
- Features
- Different Grass-type Pokémon appear more often in the wild.
- Finish the Friendship Day Collection Challenge before the event concludes and earn 100,000 XP.
- Join the Friendship Day Global Challenge.
- For each hourly challenge a Trainer completes, they earn 20,000 XP.
- Green confetti appears on the map in celebration of Grass-type Pokémon.
- Bonuses
- Trainers get an increased chance of receiving a Lucky Pokémon when they complete a trade with a friend.
- This bonus is active until 5:00 p.m. local time on the day of the event.
- Trade distance is increased to 40 kilometers.
- A 3× Catch XP bonus is active.
- Incense activated during the event lasts for three hours.
- Lures activated during the event last for three hours.
Sustainability Week
Friendship Day actually happens within Sustainability Week. This event is made possible through a partnership with the Niantic Sustainability Campaign. Here, Trainers get to earn in-game bonuses by finishing different sustainability-related objectives in the real world.
Sustainability Week is from April 20 to April 25 and features:
- Binacle, the Two-Handed Pokémon , makes its Pokémon GO debut.
- These Pokémon appear more often in the wild:
- Grimer
- Drilbur
- Trubbish
- Ferroseed
- These Pokémon hatches from 5-km Eggs:
- Diglett
- Tangela
- Goldeen
- Budew
- Cherubi
- Finneon
- Drilbur
- These Pokémon appear in raids:
- Vileplume
- Alolan Exeggutor
- Trubbish
- Binacle
- Finish event-exclusive Field Research to earn encounters with Cottonee, Chespin, and Binacle.
- There’s going to be an event-exclusive Timed Research for everyone to enjoy.
- A free Sustainability Week T-shirt avatar item is available in the shop.

On the last day of the event, Trainers can join the Niantic Sustainability Campaign in the real world to unlock these special tiered in-game rewards:
- Tier 1 (2,500 activations)
- Five-star raids appear more often.
- Tier 2 (5,000 activations)
- A free bundle containing three Remote Raid Passes is offered in the shop.
- The rewards from Tier 1 remain active.
- Tier 3 (10,000 activations)
- A 2× Catch XP bonus is live.
- The rewards from Tiers 1 and 2 remain active.
Take note that the rewards are available on April 25 from 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., local time.
Excited about these two events?