‘Pokémon Shuffle’ Update: Ash Greninja Debuts And Mega Blaziken Returns

Ash Greninja in the Pokemon anime
Ash Greninja in the Pokemon anime Pokemon Company

Pokémon Shuffle’s next weekly update brings another anime-exclusive ‘mon (for now) to the mobile/3DS game.

After the inclusion of Zygarde 10%, Pokémon Shuffle has now brought Ash Greninja into the Shuffle fold in a new timed event. The mystery behind Ash Greninja is being played over in the Pokémon anime but the variation of Greninja comes to Shuffle from April 19 to May 3.

Shufflers have one minute to defeat and catch Ash Greninja. Ash Greninja has a base power of 70 with the ability Power of 4+ and a nine percent base catch rate with an eight percent increase for every three seconds remaining.

Ash Greninja’s disruptions include breakable and unbreakable blocks so you’ll want Pokémon that can either remove or break them using their abilities. It’s also good to note that Ash Greninja has a lot of health so you may just need to use an Attack Power buff to defeat this new ‘mon.

If you’re looking for an ideal team to take down Ash Greninja, Mega Ampharos is a good start. Its Electric typing does well against the Water-type Ash Greninja and its ability after mega evolving destroys the disruptions on the board.

As with a lot of these timed events, the higher the attack of your ‘mon the better. Zekrom is another good choice along with many of the other legendary Electric types.

Pokémon Shuffle is also having the Mega Blaziken competition return for the next week. Unlike many of the Mega competitions, Mega Blaziken is a turn-based event with players having 30 turns to get the highest score.

Mega Blaziken’s disruptions include having Ninetales scattered throughout the board so Tyranitar is a great choice to get rid of those. But Mega Blaziken also has breakable rocks and barriers that appear every few turns.

An ideal team to deal with Mega Blaziken is the aforementioned Tyranitar, Palkia to deal with the barriers and Mega Garchomp is a hard-hitting ‘mon with an ability that can lead to a lot of chains.

So what do you think of the new Pokémon Shuffle update? What are your ideal teams for dealing with Mega Blaziken and Ash Greninja? Let us know in the comments section.

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