At this year’s Pokémon World Championships, four new Pokémon for Sun and Moon were revealed in a brand new trailer.
Three of the four were already revealed in August’s CoroCoro but we finally have their English names, along with more details on the two sand castle Pokémon and the pre-evolution of Bewear.
But the biggest news is the introduction of Crabrawler to Sun and Moon.
Take a look at the new Pokémon Sun and Moon trailer below.
Crabrawler is a pure Fighting-type with the abilities Hyper Cutter, which prevents attack loss, and Iron Fist, which powers up punching attacks.

The sand castle Pokémon are Sandygast and Palossand, which are both Ground and Ghost-type Pokémon. Their ability is Water Compaction, which is a new skill that boosts defense by two stages when hit by a Water-type move.

And Bewear’s pre-evolution is Stuffal, with the abilities Fluffy and Klutz (like Bewear). It also keeps the Normal and Fighting typing.

The reveal of Crabbrawler and the other Pokémon comes a day after Tortunator was revealed at Gamescom.
And for those wondering, Crabrawler did not appear in any past leaks, so we don’t yet have any more confirmation of those Chinese leaks , or evidence to prove the final starter evolutions concept art to be real.
Pokémon Sun and Moon will release Nov. 18 in Japan and North America, with Europe receiving the games on Nov. 23.
So what do you think of Crabrawler and the other new Pokémon in Sun and Moon ? Sound off in the comments section below.