Pokémon Sun and Moon details are scarce and will remain that way until at least May, afterthe April issue of CoroCoro teased the box art, and with it the box Legendary Pokémon. However, as we wait for that information to drop, it seems Serebii has come across two trademarked names that were registered in February.
The two brand new trademarks discovered could quite possibly be the names of Sun and Moon Pokémon, with the popular rumor being they are the names of the box Legendary Pokémon.
According to Serebii, the names “Solgaleo” and “Lunaala” were found trademarked under the name Yusuke Inui, an IP lawyer in Japan.
From the names themselves, it’s easy to see why people are calling these the box Legendaries. “Solgaleo” has the word “sol,” which is sun in Spanish and “Lunaala” has “luna,” which is Latin for moon.
But before you come to the conclusion these are the Legendary Pokémon of Sun and Moon, Serebii webmaster Joe Merrick would like to remind everyone that normally when Pokémon related trademarks are registered they are under Game Freak, Creatures Inc. or Nintendo.
Although, proxy names have been used in trademarks for Pokémon before it’s pretty uncommon. Just air on the side of caution with this new information. Like Merrick says, these names are not 100 percent confirmed.
Just to clarify, I'm not saying that these aren't the names. They could very well be. All I'm saying is that nothing supports it just yet.
— Joe Merrick (@JoeMerrick) April 20, 2016
If you recall, the Sun and Moon trademarks were registered in February and turned out to be true when they were formally announced at a special Nintendo Direct. Pokémon Sun and Moon’s release date has no concrete day but is slated for the holiday season of 2016 so more information will be coming along as we approach the date.
So what do you think of the rumored names for the Pokémon Sun and Moon legendaries? Sound off in the comments section below.