So there is a lot of information in the latest Pokémon Sun and Moon trailer and it could shake up the entire Pokémon franchise to the core.
Besides some new Pokémon and Alola Forms, a lot of story elements were revealed including the introduction of the Aether Foundation, the search for the Zygarde Cells and a possible new rival who is a part of Team Skull.
But by far the biggest new information is the introduction of the Ultra Beasts with the first being a giant jellyfish called UB-01.
With all that being said, we dove deeper into the trailers and information from the official Pokémon website to see if we can figure out what exactly is going on in Sun and Moon and here is what we found that you may have missed.
![The Ultra Beast and Lillie have an uncanny similarity](
As we mentioned above, the Ultra Beasts are a new concept in Pokémon. According to the official Pokémon site , Ultra Beasts are “ possess mighty powers and could pose a threat to humans and Pokémon, so they are feared. It appears that the Aether Foundation is also conducting research on these Ultra Beasts.”
There are rumored to be multiple Ultra Beasts with each having a code name.
The first Ultra Beast revealed is this giant jellyfish called UB-01 (Ultra Beast 1). The Pokémon website describes it as constantly changing shape and that its movements resembles that of a little girl.
A preliminary, common theory going on right now is that Lillie, who was revealed back in the first Sun and Moon trailer is actually UB-01.
The similarities are uncanny and the fact that UB-01 is described as moving like a small girl is enough to get those theories pumping.
![Possibly Cutiefly's evolution in 'Sun and Moon'](
Lost among all the information was a shot of a possible new Pokémon in Sun and Moon.
The above screenshot shows your trainer attempting to catch a Pokémon that looks a like Cutiefly but a lot bigger. This has led many to believe this is the evolution of Cutiefly.
There is no information on the Pokémon website or anywhere else, but this wouldn’t be the first time that a Sun and Moon trailer reveals a new Pokémon unintentionally.
Rockruff was shown off before its CoroCoro reveal and this could be the same instance of unintentional revealing. Luckily, September’s CoroCoro could very well show off Cutiefly’s evolution.
![The day and night cycle returns in 'Pokemon Sun and Moon'](
The day and night cycle has been an on and off again feature in Pokémon games and in Sun and Moon, they make their return while also becoming an integral part of what makes both versions different.
Pokémon Moon will actually take place 12 hours after Sun , meaning while Pokémon Sun will follow the clock in your Nintendo 3DS Moon will shift 12 hours.
While this is a neat little feature, it affects what Pokémon you can catch and your story. Obviously, Solgaleo and Lunala will be saved for their respective versions but as we saw in the Japanese trailer certain areas will have certain Pokémon because of the time of day.
Totem Pokémon you’ll face for the Island Challenge will be different because of the day/night cycle.
![Type Null in 'Sun and Moon'](
Speaking of Solgaleo and Lunala, the third Legendary in Sun and Moon figures to be the mysterious Marshadow that was copyrighted alongside the other two before the box legendaries were revealed.
However, The Pokémon Company has yet to reveal what the third Legendary is. To be fair, they are usually saved for players to discover when the game released but has The Pokémon Company showed it already?
Null was one of two new Pokémon in the Sept. 6 Sun and Moon trailer and it’s a strange one. It seems to be man-made in that it has different parts to acclimate to different environments.
But this part of the description from the official site may lead to something: “ The mask fitted to Type: Null’s head is a piece of equipment designed to control its latent powers.”
The common theory is Marshadow will be an “eclipse” Pokémon acting as a counterpart to Solgaleo (sun) and Lunala (moon). The word “Null” means nothing just like when there’s an eclipse, there is no sun nor moon only darkness.
While there isn’t a lot of evidence to support this theory, Null or Type: Null’s existence and the aforementioned description leads us to believe there is a lot more to this new Pokémon than what is being shown.
So what do you think of the latest Pokémon Sun and Moon news? Let us know what version you plan to pick up in the comments section below.