Prey, announced at the Bethesda E3 event this year, is a reboot of the franchise of the same name from back in 2006. While the original reveal trailer left many wondering what the game would be like, a new gameplay trailer and secrets video reveals what gamers are getting themselves into when Prey arrives in in 2017.
As we can see in the video above, creative director Raphael Colantonio talks about what Prey will actually be like.
"The space station can be explored in a continuous way," Colantonio said. "This is not mission to mission to mission. Everything is continuous. You can always come back to where you were before. The context may have changed. And you can also visit it outside in zero-G and go from different airlocks to different airlocks and find shortcuts."
What does this sound like? A Metroidvania game! Getting upgrades and returning to previous areas to tackle challenges you couldn’t before is a staple in the genre.
We also get a good glimpse of some of the enemies players will have to fight in Prey. While most of them seem to be big spider-looking creepy-crawlies, there are a few bigger enemies that look downright horrifying. The aliens can apparently shape-shift, and we can see one turn into a chair in the video above. If these creatures can mimic whatever is around them, that will certainly lead to scary and maddening scenarios while playing.
Prey will be coming to PS4, Xbox One and PC in 2017.
So what do you think? Are you excited to try the rebooted Prey ? Do you wish the game was more similar to the original 2006 Prey? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.