'Prey' Trailer Paints New History Where JFK Was Never Assassinated

The latest trailer for Prey gives some important background information on the game
The latest trailer for Prey gives some important background information on the game Bethesda

A new trailer for the upcoming reboot of Prey has been released, showing the game’s alternate history setting. While the new game is set in the future, you’ll have to go back to 1958 to understand everything.

As the video shows, Russians launched a satellite in 1958 during the Space Race. During this mission, the Russians had humanity’s first interaction with extraterrestrial beings. As you could guess, things didn’t work out well for the humans.

Fast-forward two years, and Russia asked America for help with the problem. President Kennedy created an agreement with the Russians to build a mutual research base in space to contain the mysterious creatures.

The JFK assassination still is attempted in this version of history, but JFK escapes alive. The Russians are behind the attack, so the previous agreement is now broken. JFK had Americans take complete control over the base, and started the process of turning it into a massive research station.

The story now jumps ahead to 1998. There was an issue with containment for the beings, and they broke out and killed everyone on board the space station. This leads to the station being shut down and abandoned.

By 2030, the TranStar Corporation has bought the station and transformed it into Talos I, a cutting-edge research facility. The TranStar employees understand the creatures better, and have harnessed the creatures’ abilities for experiments, including a “psychotronics division” which “redefines what it means to be human.”

That’s where you come in, playing as a test subject onboard Talos I.

While the video provides some seemingly important backstory, there are no new screenshots, gameplay clips or a release date given. The trailer ends promising a release some time in 2017, but that’s it.

So what do you think? Are you more interested in Prey now that you know more about the universe? Do you think you’ll wait to get excited until you find out more information? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.

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