The animated series, Steven Universe is quickly becoming Cartoon Network’s most beloved shows and for good reason. The light-hearted characters and the all-too-real emotions being felt is for all-ages and the conflict that Steven and the Crystal Gems deal with appeal to both sexes.
So when creator Rebecca Sugar and some of the cast and crew of Steven Universe gathered together at San Diego Comic-Con 2015 for Cartoon Network’s Press Hour, they were met with many questions.
Some ranged from Rebecca’s influences for the show to how the cast gets ready to record audio. And all of it was very revealing to what Steven Universe has become.
“[Steven Universe] is based on my younger brother Steven...and a lot of it was based on when we were growing up and how sci-fi fantasy, nerdiness perversed in our friendship as siblings,” Sugar said. “So I wanted to make a show that was like the feelings of just hanging out with him growing up.”
But quickly the questions asked for hints about what would happen in the upcoming season. A big one was if we would see the Gem homeworld.
“I don’t know that’s a big one,” Sugar said. “Ummmm maybe?”
And a seemingly harmless question may have big consequences for the show. When Rebecca was asked if she had any special guest voice that she wanted for a character on the show like how Nicki Minaj voiced Sugilite, the Steven Universe creator seemed taken back.
“I do but I don’t know if I should say,” Sugar said as the other reporters at the roundtable tried to ask for a hint. “No, I feel like if I said you would know who it was. So I don’t want to say. Thanks though.”
Could it be the leader of the Gem Homeworld? Possibly but we shall see eventually and we will update as soon as we know.
But in the meantime, let us know your thoughts on Rebecca Sugar’s response in the comments section below.