Just Cause 3 Daredevil Jump Locations: Where To Find All 30 Stunt Ramps Hidden In Medici

Daredevil Jumps are one of several collectibles that players can round up in Just Cause 3. Find out where all 30 of the stunt jumps are located  in our Just Cause 3 Daredevil Jump guide.
Daredevil Jumps are one of several collectibles that players can round up in Just Cause 3. Find out where all 30 of the stunt jumps are located in our Just Cause 3 Daredevil Jump guide. Photo: International Digital Times

Just Cause 3 features one of the largest maps of any project to debut in 2015, with more than 1000km2 of land and sea created for the game. That can make it difficult for collectible hunters to track down the various items and special locations spread throughout Medici; particularly now that Avalanche Studios has finally resigned itself to less than a 1000 such places/things. Of course, considering we’ve already shown you where to find all 71 of Di Ravello’s tapes, the 49 rebel shrines spread across Medici, the 23 ancient tombs on Insula Striate and the various vintage parts strewn about the country, is it any surprise that we’ve also rounded up location data for all of the Daredevil Jumps in Just Cause 3?

Maybe you’re looking to improve your record on the Stunt Driver leaderboard. Maybe you’re just a fan of launching automobiles hundreds of meters through the air. You might even just be obsessed with seeing 100 percent of the content in every game you purchase. Or, you know, maybe you're just a normal human being who realizes this sort of thing would probably be a blast if it wouldn't routinely lead to death in real life.Whatever the case, we’ve rounded up GPS coordinates for all 30 of the Daredevil Ramps present in Just Cause 3.

You might catch Heat while traveling to some of these spots, if you don’t liberate nearby settlements, but there’s really not much in Just Cause 3 that Rico can’t handle. Even with the equipment he receives at the start of the game. But enough with the chatter. Here’s where you can find all 30 of the Daredevil Jumps in Just Cause 3:

Insula Dracon

Capite Est

  • Jump Coordinates – 43.790, 36.151

Capite West

  • Jump 1 – 43.490, 35.580
  • Jump 2 – 43.514, 35.595
  • Jump 3 – 43.804, 34.934

Corda Dracon

  • Jump 1 – 42.788, 36.594
  • Jump 2 – 42.885, 36.291


  • Jump 1 - 41.236, 37.339
  • Jump 2 – 42.056, 36.757
  • Jump 3 – 42.150, 36.829


  • Jump Coordinates – 42.402, 35.363b

Insula Fonte


  • Jump 1 – 40.022, 43.767
  • Jump 2 – 40.151, 44.561
  • Jump 3 – 40.304, 44.613


  • Jump 1 – 41.680, 43.050
  • Jump 2 – 42.126, 42.444
  • Jump 3 – 42.676, 42.861


  • Jump 1 – 40.766, 43.475
  • Jump 2 – 40.862, 43.748
  • Jump 3 – 41.007, 44.413


  • Jump Coordinates - 41.893, 42.616


  • Jump Coordinates - 42.544, 43.301

Sirocco Sud

  • Jump Coordinates – 38.507, 42.497

Sirocco Nord

  • Jump Coordinates – 39.045, 42.870

Insula Striate

Costa Sud

  • Jump 1 – 44.303, 45.448
  • Jump 2 – 46.117, 44.415


  • Jump Coordinates – 45.739, 35.176

Litore Torto

  • Jump 1 – 49.224, 45.047
  • Jump 2 – 47.415, 45.715

Val De Mar

  • Jump 1 – 44.723, 42.354
  • Jump 2 – 46.721, 42.056


Be sure to check back with iDigitalTimes.com and follow Scott on Twitter for more Just Cause 3 coverage throughout the rest of 2015 and for however long Avalanche Studios continues to support Just Cause 3 in the months following launch.

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