In honor of the winter season, Russian cosplay designer and player Sorano Suzu brings a stunning new offering to League of Legends cosplay fans: Snow Bunny Nidalee.
The costume, which is based off a legacy skin for the character that surfaced during the 2009 Snowdown Showdown, features the raised-by-cougars wild child in a red and white fur-trimmed outfit inspired by snow leopards.

Suzu does an excellent job of incorporating even the tiniest details in the outfit. From the green and black striped hair tie to Nidalee’s magnificent spear, all parts of the costume were crafted by the cosplay girl herself. To photograph her costume, Suzu employed Russian photographer Riana G.

You can check out all of Suzu’s current and past cosplay projects (including a stunning rendition of Tira from Soul Caliber V ) at her Deviant Art page or follow the artist on Facebook .
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