‘Supergirl’ Season 2 Episode 2 Recap: Superman’s Departure Makes Way For Mon-El, Miss Martian And Maggie Sawyer

What is Superman doing in National City?
What is Superman doing in National City? CW

There are a lot of changes for Kara happening in Supergirl Season 2 episode 2. First and foremost, Cat Grant and Superman are both leaving National City. Kara, now a reporter, isn’t getting along very well with her new hard-nosed superior, Snapper Carr. She’s also going to have to get used to her ex-beau, James Olsen, taking Cat’s place as CatCo editor-in-chief. On top of all that, Kara also has to watch out for the growing threat of Cadmus, the evil science organization that got their hands on Kryptonite in tonight's episode, “The Last Children Of Krypton.”

The Doctor uses the kryptonite to resurrect John Corben and another man into Metallo-- cyborgs who can shoot green beams from their chest. It’s during a fight with Metallo on a bridge that Superman carries a limp Supergirl in his arms, paying tribute to a memorable scene in “Crisis On Infinite Earths.” Another battle ensues, but this time it’s a set-up. The second Metallo is terrorizing Metropolis and Superman wasn’t there to help.

Later that night, Cadmus declares war on all the aliens of Earth. Superman and Martian Manhunter go to the Fortress of Solitude to find out more about what Metallo is made of. Kelex scans Superman’s hand and finds residue from Prometheum, the strongest metal known to man. Back at the DEO, Winn makes a device that helps Superman and Supergirl fend of the kryptonite beams, but it doesn’t last long. Metallo easily breaks them, but Martian Manhunter and Alex (wearing a power suit) come to the rescue. Martian Manhunter removes the kryptonite from one Metallo’s chest, and Alex stabs a pike through the other.

Meanwhile, Alex and Winn investigate the potential mole who gave some of the DEO’s kryptonite stash to Cadmus. The man responsible leads Alex right to The Doctor, the leader of Cadmus. She tries to convince Alex to join their efforts by taunting her. “I’ll tell your father you say hello,” The Doctor says before Alex takes down the men restraining her and escapes with Supergirl’s help.

With Metallo out of the picture, Superman and Martian Manhunter finally come to an agreement about what to do with the kryptonite. Clark ends up taking all of the DEO’s stash to a secret hiding spot. He also pledges to do anything he can to help find Jeremiah Danvers, who is currently being experimented on somewhere at Cadmus. When Clark gets back to Metropolis, he texts Kara and tells her he misses her already.

The episode ends with Kara sitting by Mon-El’s bed. She tells him how she can’t wait to take him under her wing and suddenly, he jumps awake and grabs Kara’s throat. The promo for next week’s episode reveals a fight ensues between the two of them and Mon-El escapes DEO headquarters. After an alien threatens POTUS, Kara must find him to make sure he’s not responsible. Read more about what to expect in Supergirl Season 2 episode 3, “Welcome To Earth.”

Supergirl airs Mondays at 8 p.m. on The CW.

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