Playing Tiny Rails and want to unlock all the secret Easter eggs? Check out our full secrets cheat list below.

Last week, Tiny Titans Studio released its latest mobile game offering, Tiny Rails and while the game is has a pretty simple premise, it comes with some hidden secrets and Easter Eggs that keep players coming back as they try to figure out how to unlock them all. While we are still working out how to unlock some the Easter eggs ourselves, so far we’ve been lucky enough to find seven of them. Originally, the was showing 20 different secrets available to unlock, but since the latest update, my version now only shows 10 secrets to unlock. It’s unclear if all 20 will become available once I’ve unlocked all regions or if that was just a glitch in the earlier version of the game (and boy, were there a lot of glitches!). Either way, I’ve kept spots for up to 20 secrets in case I do find more can be unlocked later.
As you review our list, if there is a secret you’ve unlocked in Tiny Rails that isn’t listed below, we’d love it if you’d leave a tip in the comments or send it to that way we can add it to our list. We’ll be sure to give you credit for finding it, of course.
Happy Railing!
‘Tiny Rails’ Secrets: How To Unlock All The Hidden Easter Eggs In The Game

Secret #0: Stroke of Midnight – Watch the clock. When the time gets to midnight (24:00), tap the clock to unlock this secret.
Secret #1: Cracked – Go to the prize machine. Tap on the glass until it breaks to unlock the first secret.
Secret #2: Don’t Tap On Me – Go to the list of your passengers. Tap a few times on the avatars until one changes to an angry face to unlock this secret.
Secret #3: TBA
Secret #4: Impatient – Go to the top of the screen and find the place where the distance remaining on the trip is. Tap on the distance until a dialogue box comes up where the conductor explains what the information is telling you and the secret will be unlocked.
Secret #5: TBA
Secret #6: Pen & Ink – Go to your quest log. In the upper left-hand corner you will see a pen and ink icon. Tap on it to unlock this secret.
Secret #7: Third Rock From The Sun – While you are traveling, if you see the sun, tap on it. If it goes down and the screen becomes dark for a few seconds, you will unlock this secret. It took me a few tries before this worked. It worked for me when I saw the edge of the sun just coming onto the screen from the right-hand side.
Secret #8: TBA
Secret #9: TBA
Secret #10: Stroke of Midnight – Watch the clock. When the time gets to midnight (24:00), tap the clock to unlock this secret.
Secret #11:
Secret #12:
Secret #13:
Secret #14:
Secret #15:
Secret #16:
Secret #17:
Secret #18:
Secret #19:
Secret #20: