World of Warships: Legends is three years old, and what better way to celebrate it than to get an update with tons of new content, such as 3v3 ranked seasons and the Le Lion Flamand campaign.
Le Lion Flamand Campaign
This is a massive campaign lasting for five weeks. There are 100 stages here, but don’t worry because the developers added a catch-up mechanic for players who are far behind. Players who finish the campaign are rewarded with the French Tier VII battleship Flandre, and it comes with 3x3 15-inch guns that have great AP penetration and shell velocity. All this helps in improving the accuracy of the weapons fired.
Ranked Changes
If you are a fan of Ranked mode, you are in luck this time. In this update, there are three Ranked seasons, and surprise, it’s a 3v3 brawl of ships varying from Tier III to V. The first season will start on April 14, and the developers will announce plans for Ranked in the future.
World of Warships: Legends Update 1.27
- Quick commands in battle with two presets
- Map sector pinging
- Battle log
- Camera movement in Port
- Improved performance
- Optimized water effects
- HUD elements now appear before battle begins
- Fixed a problem with torpedo ballistics—there was sometimes a gap between the aiming sector and the actual position of torpedoes at long distances.
- The torpedo aiming "cone" was sometimes missing after players disconnected and then reconnected back into battle.
- Weird behavior of underwater shadows in the Port.
- Commander guise menu sometimes taking two attempts to open.
- A rare failure to change Division leader when promoting a PS5 player from PS4 and vice versa.
- Promotional screens not loading on the game launch screen if the Internet connection was lost and then regained.
- Fixed an issue that caused the game files to be redownloaded if iOS devices ran low on free space.
- Rare crashing from touch input overload on startup.
- Battle Result screen elements sometimes overlapping.
- Play and Settings buttons were misaligned in the main menu.
- The Campaign & Missions tab overlapped with the currencies tab.
- Spawn points for the Atlantic and Two Brothers maps were reworked.
- Image loading was accelerated on both PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5.
- U.K. ships are now researchable.
You can read more about the update here.