‘Agents Of SHIELD’ Season 4: Will Daisy Ever Be The Same After S3? Chloe Bennet Explains

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After months on her own, Quake is back at SHIELD… for now. With the Sokovia Accords in play, there’s no telling what Director Jeffrey Mace will have to say about Agent Coulson’s new partnership with Ghost Rider and rogue Agent Daisy.

At New York Comic Con, Chloe Bennet explained Quake's greiving process and talked about whether viewers will see her character smiling again sometime soon. Bennet said one of Quake’s strongest traits is resilience, which will translate into a renewal of that exuberant energy she had during the first season. However, she’ll never forget her past.

“There will always be an element of ‘my mom tried to kill me, I tried to kill my dad, my Dad killed my Mom, we had to brainwash my Dad, my two boyfriends died, one died because of a Nazi and the other died saving me from the Nazi squid-thing’--so yeah there’s an element of that.”

Daisy is officially Quake, but has she gone rogue?
Daisy is officially Quake, but has she gone rogue? Marvel

Bennet is hopeful Daisy can get to a happier place. She explained that if Quake were motivated to forgive herself and join the team, it’d be for someone she cares about, such as Coulson.

“I don't wanna just be super moody all the time. She’s [a] fierce warrior princess, everything she does she does, she does 100 percent,” Bennet said. “She’s mourning.” Stepping into the perspective of her character, she elaborated, “I've got the eye shadow, I’m in a van, I’m alone.”

For the time being, we’ll see Ghost Rider and Quake in the Zephyr on a mission to find The Darkhold, and evil book of sins that even Nick Fury couldn't find. There’s no telling if she’ll stick around afterword, especially with the registration laws in play. Coulson thinks Quake returning to SHIELD is a possibility, do you? Let us know in the comments below!

Agents of SHIELD airs Tuesdays at 10 p.m. on The CW.

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