Do you feel that sudden shiver down your spine? That echoing cry of madness telling you to claim the power that is rightfully yours? Take off your Death Knight armor and take a seat at the inn, Hearthstone’s Knights Of The Frozen Throne expansion is nearly upon us. In under a fortnight, we’ll all be playing with ghouls, ghasts and a wight or two in Blizzard’s seminal card game. Waiting is the worst part, knowing that all of those packs you’ve been dying to open are almost ready to be mushed into whatever deck will take you to Legend.
The Knights Of The Frozen Throne patch went live last night, meaning all we have to do is wait for Hearthstone’s developers to flip a switch and open the flood gates. Finding out what time Blizzard will release the set can be a bit tricky, but using past releases it’s possible to make a very educated guess. Knights Of The Frozen Throne will be released Aug. 10 at 2 to 3 p.m. EDT in North America. This is just a guess, don’t come at us with pitchforks if Blizzard decides to change their minds.
Before the set launches, there are still a few things you can do to maximize your time. If you haven’t been playing any Arena games, you’re missing out on free packs of the expansion. If you still haven’t completed the play three Arena games Daily Quest, you need to do it now before it goes away forever. Also, the pre-order deal that gives you fifty packs and an exclusive card back will be going away once the expansion goes live. It’s still the best deal you’re going to get and should give you enough dust to craft at least one meta deck, Legendaries and all.
Blizzard has heard the cries of the fanboys all over the internet, and is giving players more free packs for Knights Of The Frozen Throne. A set of Adventures will be released with the expansion, with more coming in the following two weeks, which will give players a free pack after completion. You’ll also get a free random Legendary Death Knight card for beating the prologue mission. On the final week, you’ll get the chance to fight the Lich King, earning a special Uther Paladin hero if you can beat him with all nine classes.
Keep in mind that the meta will constantly be evolving for the next couple of weeks, with nobody really knowing what cards are going to be in every deck until the dust settles. If you’re short on dust and cash, don’t waste your resources to craft a card that the internet is losing their minds over. When Journey To Un’Goro first launched, I spent everything I had making a Golden The Marsh Queen, which turned out to be utter trash. I couldn’t make anything else and was stuck grinding Daily Quests until I had enough gold to buy packs to make something useful. Don’t get caught up in the hype, or you will surely lose your Hearthstone cred.
I’ve been waiting for this release for months, ever since the Lich King expansion leaked a few months ago. After seeing all the cards and their crazy mechanics, tomorrow can’t come soon enough.
How ready are you for Knights Of The Frozen Throne ? Tell us in the comments.