'Kerbal Space Program' PS4 And Xbox One Release Dates Revealed; Heads To Wii U This Winter

Kerbal Space Program
Kerbal Space Program Photo: Squad

Kerbal Space Program is finally headed to consoles, Squad announced this week, but (as usual) Wii U owners are going to be waiting significantly longer than those who’ve adopted the latest hardware from Sony and/or Microsoft. Fortunately, it sounds like Kerbal Space Program will be available on all three platforms before the end of 2016.

Last week, Squad CEO Ezequiel Ayarza told fans the studio would release the PS4 version of Kerbal Space Program on July 12. The first console port of the game will include everything from the PC version of the game, along with revamped controls designed specifically for the DualShock 4. Now, the studio has provided updated timelines for the Wii U and Xbox One ports, both of which are expected this year. In fact, one will be out later this week.

According to a new press release, Kerbal Space Program will make its Xbox debut on July 15, three days after the game hits PS4. But the wait is going to be significantly longer for Nintendo fans. The latest word from Squad is that Kerbal Space Program is still slated to make its Wii U debut sometime this winter; however, the studio doesn’t have a specific timeline yet. It’s not the best of news but, considering how few games get released for the Wii U anymore, perhaps we should just be happy the platform’s KSP port hasn’t been shelved.

For a closer look at Kerbal Space Program , take a couple of minutes to check out the latest trailer from Squad. Then head down to the comments section and let us know if you’re planning to buy KSP when the space-exploration simulator heads to PS4 and Xbox One later this week.

Kerbal Space Program is in development for PS4, Xbox One and Wii U. The game is currently available on PC, heads to PS4 on July 12, Xbox One on July 15 and is expected to make its Wii U debut sometime this winter.

Be sure to check back with iDigitalTimes.com and follow Scott on Twitter for more Kerbal Space Program coverage throughout 2016 and however long Squad supports KSP in the months after the game’s console debut.

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