League of Legends' Featured Game Mode Ascension Guide: Xerath Won't Stand A Chance

Ascension Mode features Shruriman sand and a power-mad Xerath
Ascension Mode features Shruriman sand and a power-mad Xerath Riot

League of Legends Featured Game Mode this weekend is Ascension, a 5v5 fight on the old Dominion map. The first team to 200 points wins: killing champions earns one point, claiming Relics of Shurima gives you three points and killing an Ascended champion or Xerath gives you five points. In the middle of the map lies a power crazed Xerath, the ancient ascended. Each player starts with 3175 gold.

This Xerath is much harder to kill than his champion counterpart; you’ll need your whole team to take him down. The champion that lands the killing blow goes into a Zhonya’s Hourglass stasis for five seconds, knocking enemies back and emerging Ascended.

Ascended champions gain a powerful buff that makes them much stronger and harder to kill. They are enlarged by around 20 percent and have no mana or energy costs, with a 50 percent reduction in health costs. They gain increased health, Attack Damage, Ability Power, 15 percent magic and armor penetration and 25 percent cooldown reduction. Your team wants this buff on a carry more than anything. Having a gigantic Kha’Zix jumping around a map with little vision is the stuff nightmares are made of.

Vision is severely reduced by a sandstorm, and since there are no wards it’s very easy to ambush opponents. Try to gather your team together in a brush, wait for an unsuspecting opponent wondering around where they shouldn’t be, and then pounce. Just don’t try this when you have a six-stack Cho’Gath or high health Zac with an Ascended buff, they won’t fit in the bushes.

There are three Relics of Shurima located around the map: in the top right, top left and the lower center. When you try to capture a Relic, your team gains vision around it and a speed boost for champions that walk through it. Once the Relic is taken, it will disappear from vision for around thirty seconds. In order to gain enough points to win, you need to capture these Relics. Say your team has just killed the Ancient Ascended, now is a great time to walk over to a relic and claim it with your newfound powerhouse.

Best Champions For Ascension:

  • Heimerdinger- Just like on Definitely Not Dominion , the Donger’s turrets are OP on this map. He easily shreds the giant Xerath and has great objective control. In a map with low vision, it is really easy to set up a death bush. Throw down your turrets in fog of war, and then when an enemy walks by, throw a grenade on their head and destroy them before they even know what happened.

  • Katarina- The assassin with lots of blades works best in tiny enclosures. The Crystal Scar is the perfect place to get resets on Katarina. When you see the enemy trying to take down Xerath and their low on hit points, just Shunpo in and get yourself a Pentakill. If you’re serious about winning, you need to ban Garen’s girlfriend.

  • Maokai- The twisted treant is really hard to kill on Summoner’s Rift. Now throw on an Ascended buff on him and he is literally unkillable. His ultimate’s aura increases in size, along with his ground smash. Your team will never touch the enemy’s backline if they have a Maokai.

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