'League of Legends' Midseason Follow Up And Patches For The Rest Of Season Six

The Taric rework was just released and Riot thinks it's in a great spot.
The Taric rework was just released and Riot thinks it's in a great spot. Riot

Riot just released a midseason follow-up for League of Legends. In it, Riot Meddler discusses how the mage update, elemental dragons and the new AP items have affected the meta game. Overall, it seems all of the changes have been impactful and Riot is sticking with them.

  • The mages all seem fairly balanced; besides some minor tweaks here and there they should stay pretty much the same.

  • The elemental dragons have made dragons more relevant and even the Cloud Drake (which many deem the weakest of the group) is still powerful and not affecting win rates to seriously.

  • AP items are doing well, though Protobelt is a bit weak and will be buffed. Riot wants to add one more 20 percent cooldown AP item besides Morello’s to add more diversity into magic user’s item slots.

  • Rift Herald is more important than it used to be, and is definitely impacting the game. Still, fewer players are taking it right now which Riot thinks will happen less once players realize how important it is.

Along with these changes, Meddler mapped out how the rest of the patches this season are going to play out. A Ryze rework and at least one new champion are coming sometime in these patches.

  • 6.12- Champion Mastery on Twisted Treeline and ARAM, Champion changes and tweaks to around a dozen items. Right now, item builds on Marksmen are farily standard, and Riot wants to restore “ some balance between Ghostblade/Black Cleaver and other builds on some champs.”

  • 6.13 - A minor support update, with changes to support items like Ruby Sightstone and Forbidden Idol, XP changes for supports and buffs to support champions. They will also work on making it easier to get Champion Mastery on supports.

  • 6.14- 6.18- changes before Worlds (no Corki buffs), 6.15 will be smaller than 6.14 and 6.18 will be used to clean up any messiness from the previous patches.

How are you liking the midseason changes? Tell us in the comments!

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