'League of Legends' Patch Notes: 6.10 Irons Out Some Of Preseason's Craziness

Patch 6.10 touches on mages, dragons and AP scaling
Patch 6.10 touches on mages, dragons and AP scaling Riot

League of Legends Patch 6.10 comes out tomorrow, and Riot just dropped the patch notes. Compared to 6.9, 6.10 is much simpler and mainly tinkers with all the updates of the last patch. After the hotfix that toned down the incredibly overpowered Malzahar, everything went back to normal on Summoner’s Rift. The biggest game change that has nothing to do with actual game play is the introduction of mastery levels six and seven.

Players have been complaining once they hit champion mastery level five, they couldn’t go any farther. Riot has listened, but they do have a catch. You only get mastery points past level five if you get an S-, S or S+ rank in a match made game. You can also craft the levels with Hextech crafting by taking a champion shard of a champion you’ve mastered and combining it with blue essence.


As for the actual gameplay, mages and elemental dragons have received small tweaks. Fiddlesticks has been owning the rift; he’s been a ban or pick in most of my games ever since his crows started bouncing more. His crows bounce one less time, which should tone down his damage just a bit without neutering him entirely.

Aurelion Sol, the dragon nobody really understands, got another nerf. Riot says that the celestial dragon is just too strong in team fights, doing more damage than he should. They must not be watching my Gold games, because I have yet to see anyone use that guy right. The cooldown on his W got increased and his ultimate does 50 less damage.

The dragons also got some small tweaks. Ocean Drake will only restore your health or mana if you haven’t been in a fight for at least five seconds. Mountain Drake no longer amplifies true damage, which it shouldn’t have really done in the first place.


Riot is really trying to iron out the kinks on their mage update. Vel’Koz, who didn’t really get much of a rework, now has higher AP scaling ratios. Swain has higher health, his Q can now execute minions, and his ultimate heals and damages more. Cassiopeia has a longer range on her Q and E, hopefully making her feel less gimmicky and more terrifying. Vladimir got some timing fixes and his ultimate now heals for a lot more.

Master Yi even got some love this patch, increasing his E’s true damage on hit and the AP scaling on his W. Shyvana and Nocturne both got some small AP scaling. Riot took out most of the abilities that had AP and AD scalings and are now putting them back in; that’s not weird at all.

The Bloodrazor enchantment that replaced Devourer has not been living up to its predecessor’s legacy, so it’s getting some love. 10 percent more attack speed and one percent more on-hit health damage should be enough to bring it up to snuff.

There are still a few Summoner Spells that aren’t being touched, and Riot wants to change that. To differentiate from Heal, Barrier is getting its cooldown lowered by 30 seconds. Ghost, the one Summoner Spell used by every account under level 15, is also getting its cooldown lowered by 30 seconds and scales with level, up to 45 percent at level 18.

Did Riot get everything right? Tell us what your favorite change is in the comments!

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