SK Telecom won the League of Legends World Championship for the second time in 2015, earning them a set of skins. In April, Riot revealed what they thought were good designs with zero FX, lackluster skins and absolutely nothing for SKT’s mid lane sub, Easyhoon. After a massive community backlash brimming with disapproval, Riot pulled the skins so that they could make something better. We just got a look at the brand new SKT Worlds skins and they are truly glorious.
SK Telecom Alistar, Kalista, Renekton, Ryze, Azir and Elise will all cost 975 RP. They each have unique VFX and recalls created by the team members. Riot really put a lot of work into getting these champions to feel like the players that inspired them, and it shows.
Bang was given a Sivir skin the first time around that looked bland and boring. Riot threw out that skin entirely and made SKT Kalista at Bang’s request.
Faker’s Ryze recall is my favorite of the bunch, combining Faker’s wit with his famous tumble.
If you want kawaii Kalista or any of these skins, you are going to have to wait until Patch 6.16 which should come out in the next few weeks.