It’s that time of year again: URF day skins have just been released on the PBE. Last year’s skins were awesome, especially Archduke Nasus. I thought I would never use anything besides Infernal Nasus, with his Snoop Dogg dance, but Archduke’s monocle and top hat won me over.
This year the skins are even better. Meowkai is a Maokai skin that dresses him up as a cat. I can’t believe this is an official skin; I’m still in adorable shock. His saplings are little kittens that meow when they explode. If that was the only unique VFX the skin would be an instant buy, but Riot stepped up their game even more. Arcane Smash and Vengeful Maelstrom are full of rainbows, an homage to Nyan Cat. Even his ultimate has cat faces plastered all throughout his aura. If I don’t write anymore it’s because I passed out from an overload of cuteness. This skin should be 1350 RP on release.
Definitely Not Vel’koz follows the tradition put forth by Definitely Not Blitzcrank and Definitely Not Udyr. The Groucho Marx glasses and tuxedo are a great touch; it definitely can’t be Vel’koz since a giant eyeball should have perfect vision. It would suck if your entire body was an eyeball that you can’t even see well with. Urf Kench reimagines the river king as a servant to the greatest manatee in video games. Tahm would really benefit from being able to use that Gatling gun on his back, but probably only uses the spatula to make some sweet Cajun gumbo. Both of these skins will cost 750 RP and don’t have unique recalls or VFX.
The weirdest skin to come out of this patch is Draven Draven. It’s just a normal Draven skin with a giant head. His terrifyingly confident smile is the size of his body, with a smile only a sociopath could love. I think that Riot is going to turn League of Legends into League of Draven for April Fools. Minions with the same Draven head have been added into the game, as well as Draven-centric icons.
We might not be getting URF, but at least Riot is still whetting our palette with some of the zaniest skins to come out for URF day.