'Pyramid Arcade' Kickstarter: Looney Labs Squeezes 22 Games Into One Box

The Pyramid Arcade Kickstarter has already gotten enough funding to succeed, but it's almost in Stretch Goal territory
The Pyramid Arcade Kickstarter has already gotten enough funding to succeed, but it's almost in Stretch Goal territory Looney Labs

Looney Labs is famous in the board game world for two things: Fluxx and weird little pyramid games. Thanks to Kickstarter, all these little pyramid games will soon have a big collection, the largest game Looney Labs has ever released. Pyramid Arcade features a whopping 22 games, all played with the pyramids and contents found in one box.

Twenty-two games means hours upon hours of board game entertainment, and the games here aren’t quick things thrown together to increase the game count. Andy Looney, the creative mind behind most of the games in the box, has been working on some rules for certain games for more than 25 years. The Pyramid Arcade represents all those thoughts finally coming together in one package.

Looney has designed 20 of the games featured in Pyramid Arcade himself. One was designed by Looney’s wife and business partner, Kristin, and the other by John Cooper. Oddly enough, the game not designed by a Looney, called Homeworlds, is Andy Looney’s favorite game to play with the pyramids.

“One of the games here, Petri Dish, was designed six years ago,” Kristin Looney told iDigitalTimes. “We’ve played it at conventions, people have seen it, people talk online about it, but we’ve never published the rules because we were planning on making this box set.”

These games are for all groups of people, and range from dexterity and luck-based games to hardcore strategy games for those who like to think. “We’ve got games for as many as ten players, or as few as one,” Andy Looney said.

Because it’s the biggest venture Looney Labs has had, Kickstarter has been helpful in getting everything moving for Pyramid Arcade. “It’s $77 to get a copy of the game on Kickstarter, $3.50 per game,” Kristin Looney said. “All of the games are worth more than $3.50. These are amazing games. It’s not like it’s variations on a theme either, these are 22 games that are all totally different.”

One of the most unique parts of Pyramid Arcade is how it turns picking out what game you want to play into a game itself. “There’s a deck of 22 cards, one side has unique art for each game and the back side has a small description for the game,” Kristin Looney said. “You can see from the picture on the card what you will need to gather to play that game.”

The card tells you how hard the game is, how long it takes to play, the number of players and the number of pyramids you will need to play. “You can use these cards to make a playable table of contents to decide what to play,” she added.

The Kickstarter is already underway, and the minimum goal has been met. Once the campaign can pass $100,000, backers will get even more pyramids to play new games with on top of the 22 coming in Pyramid Arcade.

If you want to see each of the 22 games in action, Looney Labs is uploading a new video every day during the run of the Kickstarter campaign of a game getting played.

So what do you think? Will you back Pyramid Arcade on Kickstarter? Have you played any other games from Looney Labs? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.

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