Cosplayer Kiara Berry shares with iDigitalTimes her new Final Fantasy XIII costume for character Vanille. Check it out below.

The character of Vanille from Final Fantasy XIII can rarely be mentioned without some emotional response. While some found her character straight up annoying, others found her an endearing and eternal spot of sunshine in the game. From her pink hair to her unusual laugh and tinge of an Australian accent, Vanille makes a memorable character and a fun choice for cosplayers.
Today’s Cosplay Pic of the Day features cosplayer Kiara Berry in her rendition of Vanille from Final Fantasy XIII.

“I Love Final Fantasy XIII and Vanille is one of my favorite characters from the game,” Berry said about her costume choice. “A lot of people find her annoying, but I think she's a very important character for the story and she deserves more love.”
The costume was handmade by Berry herself. Vanille’s Pearlwing staff was a combined effort by Berry and her grandfather.
“The hardest part, and also the most time-consuming, was definitely the beads work,” Berry told iDigitalTimes. “I had to paint almost all of the beads singularly to obtain the right colors. Also finding a way to keep the armor together and make it easily wearable was quite tricky.”

Berry has been doing cosplay for about 3 years and offers this advice to new cosplayers:
“Try to make it as fun as possible and don't push yourself too much. It's great to challenge yourself and improve your skills, but try not to get stressed too much by cosplay. Take your time and you will surely improve.”
You can see the complete set of Kiara Berry’s Vanille cosplay costume photos at her DeviantArt page or follow her on Facebook.
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