Unova is the fifth major Pokémon region that was introduced through Pokémon Black and White. Trainers in Pokémon GO are set to meet the legendary Pokémon of the region, particularly in five-star raids. The first of these is going to be Reshiram, which arrives to the raids next week. Reshiram is available starting on May 26 and all the way to June 16.
That’s not all, as every Wednesday during this period, Reshiram is going to be featured in Raid Hour events as well. These dates are:
- May 27 at 6:00 to 7:00 PM (local time)
- June 3 at 6:00 to 7:00 PM (local time)
- June 10 at 6:00 to 7:00 PM (local time)
Remote Raid Pass
It’s important to note that going outside is still limited so the best way to prepare is to stock up on Remote Raid passes. However, this is only available for Trainers who are at least level 5. To get a Remote Raid Pass, follow these steps:
- Open the Pokémon Go app.
- Tap the Poké Ball icon.
- Tap Shop.
- Scroll down to the Items section.
- Remote Raid Pass is available for 100 PokéCoins.
Community Day Voting
Pokémon Go is again offering Trainers a chance to vote for the next featured Community Day Pokémon, but it comes with a twist. Four Pokémon are available to be chosen with the one receiving the most votes getting featured in June. This time the runner-up will be featured in July. The choices are:
- Squirtle
- Evolves to Wartotle and then to Blastoise.
- Blastoise comes with a Fighting-type attack known as Aura Sphere.
- For now an exlcusive attack that can only be learned by Lucario.
- Weedle
- Evolves to Kakuna and then to Beedrill.
- Beedrill has a Ground-type attack known as Drill Run.
- Sandshrew
- Evolves to Sandslash
- Sandslash has a Ghost-type attack known as Shadow Claw.
- Gastly
- Evolves to Haunter and then to Gengar.
- Gengar has a Ghost-type attack known as Shadow Punch.

So how do Trainers vote? Pokémon Go is going to post a poll on its official Twitter account this Saturday, May 23. Trainers can then start casting their votes on Sunday, May 24 at 9:00 PM EDT. The poll is good for 24 hours.
Winners are then going to be announced once the voting period ends.
- As Close To Living Pokémon Fantasy As It Gets
- Active And Engaging Experience
- Lots Of Mon And Events
- Battles Aren't What Fans Expect
- Very Grindy