The Flash has a lot of crazy time travel stuff, but if this young waitress (played by Jessica Parker Kennedy) introduced at the West-Allen wedding in “Crisis On Earth X Part 1” is who fans think she is, this could be the craziest. Spoilers ahead.
Barry Allen and Iris West-Allen had children in the comics. Their names were Don and Dawn, aka the Tornado Twins, and they had superspeed just like their father. Early in “Crisis on Earth X Part 1,” a caterer walks up to Barry Allen in the church before the ceremony starts. She approaches him to help him calm any pre-wedding jitters and stutters saying how excited she is to be at his wedding. She also happens to look like she could be the child of Barry and Iris.

This new character seems to be under the impression that if Barry and Iris didn’t tie the knot, it would affect her future in some way. The entire situation also had the out of place feel usually involved with time travel or parallel earth or aberrations or whatever universe shenanigan. Barry clearly didn’t recognize this person yet she arrived with purpose. Not to mention it’s quite suspicious the idea of Barry and Iris having a child was insinuated earlier this season. Barry mentioned diapers and “more diapers” when he came back from the speed force with a jumbled mind. He said he experienced his life many times over, which means his delirious mutterings about twins or multiple children could hold some weight.
We can’t go without saying this mysterious woman so eager to meet Barry Allen could be Jenni Ognats. She is the granddaughter of Barry Allen and Iris West, the daughter of Dawn Allen and Jeven Ognats, and the cousin of Bart Allen (Impulse) Though it took her longer than the rest of The Flash family line, she eventually developed superspeed and joined the Legion of Super-Heroes as XS. Interestingly enough, in the comics, it’s Bart Allen (the son of Don Allen) who traveled to the 21st century to live among his grandfather, Barry, Iris and Wally. Maybe The Flash will change the story from Bart to Jenni.
The Arrowverse has come a long way since The Flash was first introduced on Arrow. Back then, fans would have never Barry and Iris having a child or grandchild was in the realm of possibility. But with the time travel and the multiverse well in play, anything is possible, even the beginning of The Flash family tree.
Do you think that young woman is Dawn or Jenni? Let us know in the comments. “Crisis on Earth X” continues Tuesday at 8 p.m. EST on The CW.