Although players are treated to an animated ending cinematic after vanquishing the final boss in a normal run, they can unlock the "true" ending by completing the game with Permadeath enabled.
Meet Uesugi Kaho who accepted a challenge to prove an urban legend, the worst mistake she has ever made. Pre-orders for Nintendo Switch and PlayStation 5 open this Thursday.
Although it's unlikely that Sigma players can kill enemies under 200 HP with the Accretion-Primary Fire combo, a certain change was made to somehow compensate for this nerf.
Lifeweaver is an appealing support hero with a unique set of abilities that can protect and heal allies when needed. He also deals relatively more damage than his counterparts.
This update marks the arrival of two popular characters from The Lion King. Also in this patch, Scrooge McDuck will have new items on offer that players can use to spruce up their abode.
The patch brings The Eternal Flame, a new landmark for the Modern Times era. Tabs for happiness and thoughts of normal tourists won’t be turned off when the player selects a celebrity.
It's time to finally enjoy this uncensored version. It also includes the recreated and translated version of the original 80-page Assault Suits Valken Japanese guidebook.
Enjoy this sleek new edition that features a design based on the upcoming game The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. There are also two new accessories to be released at a later date. Pre-order for the items is now accepted.