Guild Wars 2 Beginner's Guide: Tips & Tricks To Getting Started

This Guild Wars 2 beginner's guide helps newcomers get started with the highly popular MMO. Steam, ArenaNet

Guild Wars 2 is a highly popular MMO that was originally released in 2012 but has since gotten consistent updates, including the latest End of Dragons expansion.

Due to its range of added content, many players who are new to the game may find it daunting to get into the MMO right now. Fortunately, this guide will help newcomers with what they should know in order to get the best start in Guild Wars 2.

Focus on Exploration

In Guild Wars 2, exploration is one of the main aspects that all players should focus on whenever they get a chance to do so. When you travel around the game's world, you will arrive at dozens of maps that can be "completed."

This essentially means that you have discovered every single part of the map itself and completion allows you to get a lay of the land. On top of this, it also provides you with a series of rewards and experience, according to TheGamer.

After you visit every single waypoint, vista, hero challenge, renown heart, and point of interest, you will achieve map completion and get your reward. This will also help you complete your total central Tyria map.

Do Dungeons Only if You Want

Dungeons in Guild Wars 2 are not necessary at all, whether it be for the storyline or for their gameplay. Unlike other MMOs, where dungeons play a crucial role, players in Guild Wars 2 can spend their entire playing time not ever going into one.

This means that despite a focus on its multiplayer element, Guild Wars 2 lets you play the game entirely by yourself without much of a drawback.

No Focus on Warring Guilds

Despite its name, Guild Wars 2 doesn't really focus on a PvP aspect or making guilds go to war against one another. It is instead a highly cooperative MMO and there is no inter-guild or clan conflict that is officiated in the game, said GameRant.

Choose Your Class Carefully

If you're only starting out in Guild Wars 2 and just making your first character, it can be tempting to choose the best-looking or top-tier class from the get-go. However, the developers made some classes harder to handle compared to others.

This means that you should start out by making a beginner class that you can use to get comfortable with Guild Wars 2 before making one that has complex mechanics.

Manage Your Inventory

Another thing that newcomers should always be mindful of is their inventory management. Guild Wars 2, while more forgiving than other MMOs when it comes to this, still urges players to be resourceful until they get to expand to larger bags.

Players can use gems to expand how many bag slots their character has as well as add vault space to their shared bank.

The bank itself is something that is shared by all characters on your account and it is recommended to expand this one first, according to Gaiscioch Magazine.

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