Paul “Ice Poseidon” Denino is back in the livestreaming headlines again, this time for throwing a party that went off the rails. Known the web over for his risque methods in the search for content, the YouTube live streamer has hit a new level of low. On stream, someone poured an unknown liquid into a cup that belongs to Tish, one of the girls in attendance. “Why do you look so scared?” Denino says, right before he told her to take her clothes off. It’s unclear what was actually in the poured cup since, according to a reddit post, she handed the cup back to the provoker and said, “you can drink this.”
As the night went on, drunken fights started to break out and the cops showed up frequently. According to Denino, the LAPD saw a “blowjob room” sign and came to make sure that nobody was paying for sex, but there’s no evidence to corroborate this theory. One of Tish’s friends and a moderator for Twitch streamer Hyphonix, started acting strangely. A few hours later, he collapses in front of the party and is rushed to the hospital. All of this was captured on camera, but it’s currently unclear who actually spiked either drinks. Those involved are trying to keep the internet from starting a witch hunt. Thankfully, the man in the gif pulled through and was dismissed a few hours later.
Jason is all good now, taking him back home from the hospital
— Hyphonix (@RealHyphonixYT) January 27, 2018
The Livestreamfail subreddit quickly caught wind of the stream, massively upvoting the clip of Tish’s suspiciously spiked drink. Many in the comments were quick to denounce Denino and his fan base, and believed that the “Ice Poseidon” streams foster a toxic community. “‘The quest for content’ will make situations like these inevitable,” 4THOT on reddit wrote. This is the natural progression of that kind of work, things get increasingly extreme to increase viewership.”
Two weeks before the party, Denino’s stream hawked “the greatest party ever.” They posted flyers around Los Angeles and creepily invited women on stream. The party was originally supposed to be at his own apartment, but after viewers emailed his neighbors about the extravaganza, Denino was forced to throw the event at a different location. With just a day’s notice, nobody was able to secure a permit for the event, which culminated in a massive cluster fuck. The police showed up one last time to shut down the party and give Denino and his manager a $14,000 fine.
Denino has yet to comment on what may have happened, but in a stream at his apartment after the event shut down, he seemed relatively unperturbed.“Honestly, it was good content,” Denino said on his stream. “I don’t give a fuck what anyone says.”