The creators behind the hit Netflix series Making A Murderer, Moira Demos and Laura Ricciardi, took to Twitter Wednesday to host a Q&A for fans of the show, reddit AMA style.
The creators insist that the show is not about Steven Avery’s guilt or innocence, but more about pointing out the “ uncomfortable questions about how guilt gets decided in this country.”
Making A Murderer has experienced a backlash recently as outlets such as Kathryn Schulz from The New Yorker or Dustin Rowles from Pajiba criticized the show in regards to editing decisions and what was left on the cutting room floor.
The online response to these pieces have not been kind to say the least.
Jodi Stachowski, Steven Avery’s ex-fiancée believes that Avery is “not innocent,” according to statements she made in an interview on Nancy Grace .
“Because he threatened to kill me and my family and a friend of mine,” Stachowski said according to the Rolling Stone. In an unrelated statement during the same interview, Stachowski said that “I ate two boxes of rat poison just so I could go to the hospital and get away from him and asked them to get the police to help me."
The rest of the tweets from the Q&A have been included below.