The release date for Mass Effect: Andromeda could have leaked, based on an Amazon listing for the Andremeda art book. If this posting is correct, Mass Effect: Andromeda will release on March 21, 2017.
![The Mass Effect: Andromeda art book's posting on Amazon](
As we can see on the Amazon listing for The Art of Mass Effect: Andromeda, the release date is set at March 21, 2017. While some may say "that's inconclusive, the art book could be releasing on a different date." Keep reading. Further down, it says "Dark Horse will release The Art of Mass Effect: Andromeda simultaneously with the game!" That's pretty hard to misinterpret.
March 21 is also a Tuesday, the day games traditionally are released on in North America.
![The same art book, but on the BioWare store](
Interestingly enough, the same art book can also be found on the BioWare store. This posting still has an "early 2017" release date, and also doesn't mention if it will release on the same day as the game or not.
While this shouldn't be taken as a 100 percent guaruntee that Mass Effect: Andromeda is coming out on March 21, this still is an official Mass Effect product and is probably included in the whole Mass Effect marketing push. Some wires may have gotten crossed with the Amazon posting, and either the release date, or the fact that the book releases the same day as the game could be incorrect.
That being said, this feels pretty conclusive to me. We'll know for sure on N7 Day this Nov. 7, when BioWare will be revealing some major information about Mass Effect: Andromeda.
So what do you think? Do you believe the Amazon posting and the March 21 release date? Are you still going to hold back the hype until you hear it directly from BioWare? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.