The long-awaited price for Oculus Rift has finally been confirmed: $599. VR enthusiasts and obsessive gamers (we’re looking at you PCMR) can now pre-order the $599 Oculus Rift on . In the run-up to today’s announcement Oculus founder and all-around-VR-guru Palmer Luckey took to twitter to inform Oculus fans about the details surrounding Oculus Rift pre-orders.
According to Luckey’s account , there will be no “selling-out” of Oculus Rift pre-orders. The company plans to take as many orders as possible and, if the stock of headsets runs out, later pre-orders will receive a later shipping date. The same is true for the recently delayed Oculus Touch controller. A pre-order for the $599 Oculus Rift also includes a pre-order for the Touch controller which is set to ship later this year.
In addition to the Touch pre-order, Oculus Rift buyers will also get two games bundled with the headset: Lucky’s Tale and Eve: Valkyrie. Many gamers are aware of Eve: Valkyrie ’s omniscience as a go-to VR demo as the title has been a convention staple for both Oculus and its competitors, such as Sony’s PlayStation VR .
The finer points of the Oculus Rift pre-order should be no surprise to anyone familiar with high-profile gadget releases. Luckey tweeted that Oculus Rift pre-orders won’t charge the $599 price to the customer until the unit ships, which won’t happen until after the first wave of reviews is in.
Oculus is also looking after its Kickstarter backers with a pledge to deliver a free Kickstarter Edition Oculus Rift to anyone who paid for a Rift development kit on Kickstarter before Oculus was acquired by Facebook.
What’re you waiting for? is now accepting pre-orders for the $599 Oculus Rift so if you’ve been eagerly anticipating the VR gaming era, good news, it finally started.
UPDATE: Pre-orders will ship March 2016, according to the Oculus pre-order page.
UPDATE 2: According to Polygon, the pre-order shipping wait list is now up to May 2016.