The Pokémon animated special titled Pokémon: The Arceus Chronicles is arriving exclusively on Netflix beginning September 23. It's inspired by the Pokémon Legends: Arceus video game and follows the story of Ash, Pikachu, and their friends as they go on an exciting adventure across the Sinnoh region.
The English-language version of the animated film is set to premiere at a screening event during the 2022 Pokémon World Championships in London on August 19. Seating is available on a first-come first-served basis. Learn more about the tournament here.
Before we go any further, you can watch the trailer below:
In Pokémon: The Arceus Chronicles, what initially appears to be a visit by Ash, Pikachu, and friends turns into a high-stake adventure. They join forces with powerful Pokémon to stop a looming threat.
What happens is that while in the Sinnoh region, Ash, Goh, and Dawn receive a mysterious message from the Mythical Pokémon Arceus. They then meet up with Brock and proceed to Mount Coronet to investigate. There, they not only find a rampaging Heatran but also learn that the commanders of Team Galactic are opening a gate between dimensions to find their missing leader.
With a trio of Legendary Pokémon and Sinnoh Champion Cynthia on their side, the heroes have lots of help but they must do everything they can to save Sinnoh from being destroyed.
The Game
Pokémon Legends: Arceus was released in January 2022 on Nintendo Switch. The game is set in the Hisui region, which is actually the old name of the Sinnoh region. It was when it was considered rare for humans and Pokémon to live in close harmony. The game has players go on an adventure to complete the first Pokédex of the region.
Players take on the role of a member of the Galaxy Expedition Team. They stay in Jubilife Village, a settlement that also serves as the base of operations. Once they get a request or assignment, players need to get out of the village and study one of the areas in the region. After the survey work has been done, players return to the village and prepare for the next task.
Excited about the movie?