'Prey' Gameplay Details Reveal Alien Powers And Sci-Fi Weapons

Prey has released some gameplay details about some powers and weapons
Prey has released some gameplay details about some powers and weapons Arkane

All sorts of gameplay details for Prey have just been released in the latest issue of Game Informer. While not a comprehensive list of everything in the game, you can still get a sense of what developer Arkane is going for with its latest project.


There are many different powers to unlock in Prey and it is possible to analyze the DNA of alien creatures to unlock new powers for yourself. Players will use a device called a Neuromod to hack into your character’s brain and make changes to it, allowing for these powers.

When using powers, time will slow to a crawl, allowing for more precise targeting of power usage. Powers also will have cool-down timers, which can be reduced by finding upgrades. It should be noted the more powers a player has, the easier it is for an alien known as the Nightmare to track you down and kill you.

Some samples of powers given by Game Informer include:

Lift Field – Players learn this move from the invisible Poltergeist enemies. Essentially, Lift Field allows you to create a reverse gravity field that sends objects and enemies skyward. Players can also use Lift Field like a makeshift elevator to access new areas or hidden alcoves.

Kinetic Blast – Some powers don't need to be more complex than they sound. Kinetic Blast is basically a really strong physics pulse that you can pinpoint to a specific location. It functions like a kinetic bomb that you can drop in the environment. Players can use Kinetic Blast to pull objects closer to them, push environmental hazards away, or to simply damage enemies.

Leverage – This physical ability allows you to lift heavy objects with ease and even throw them across the environment. Using leverage, you can clear blocked paths or throw massive objects and enemies, killing them instantly.

Mimic – One of the strangest abilities in the game, Mimic lets you assume the form of almost any other object. Using Mimic, you can transform into something small, like a coffee cup, in order to roll through a crack in a door. Or, you can use it to transform into a chair while being chased by monsters, and ultimately elude their pursuit.

Mindjack – You learn this ability from the deadly Telepath alien. This Neuromod lets you telepathically assume control over another human. Another unknown creatures grants you a similar ability to take control over robotic entities.

Psychoshock – This powerful ball of psionic energy is a direct attack against biological targets. It also temporarily disables the target's ability to use psi powers.

Remote Manipulation – Using your mind, you can retrieve or interact with distant objects. If you use this in conjunction with Leverage, you are able to remotely pick up or even throw fridge-sized objects across the room.

Superthermal – An ability similar to Kinetic Blast. However, when you set off this bomb, it detonates in an explosion of super-heated plasma that deals fire damage to a target area. You can use this to create traps for enemies or just turn them to ash.


Game Informer also spilled the beans on a few weapons players can expect to use in Prey. Along with more standard firearms like pistols and shotguns, there will be more inventive, sci-fi inspired firepower. Some examples of the more interesting weapons include:

Disruptor Stun Gun – This weapon isn't sexy, but it's a good non-lethal tool. This handheld electroshock weapon immobilizes both humans and machines with a short range electric current. The disruptor is especially useful when someone is being mind-controlled and you don't want to kill them.

GLOO Cannon – Short for Gelifoam Lattice Organism Obstructor, this defensive weapon fires a stream of glue-like foam that can block or subdue targets. It's also useful for sealing off dangerous gas leaks or creating makeshift ladders to out-of-reach places.

Recycler Charge – As the name implies, these handheld devices are portable recyclers. Originally created as a prototype, players use them like grenades. When detonated, a recycler charge creates a kind of miniature black hole that attracts any object not bolted down and breaks it down into material fragments. The remaining materials can then be used to craft new items, meaning the recycler charges are both destructive and constructive.

For more information about the story behind Prey , be sure to check out our trailer breakdown from the most recent story trailer.

So what do you think? Are you interested in trying out any of those powers when you start playing Prey? Will you limit your power usage to avoid the Nightmare? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.

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