‘Rogue One’ Plot: Reshoots Gave First ‘Star Wars Story’ A New Ending

  • Science Fiction
Darth Vader in 'Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.'
Darth Vader in 'Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.' Lucasfilm

In 2007 The Making of Star Wars: The Definitive Story Behind the Original Film by J.W. Rinzler was released, offering the most comprehensive look yet at the production of 1977’s landmark Star Wars , which changed cinema history forever. It took 30 years for something resembling the complete behind-the-scenes story to be told. Even today new insights continue to emerge, complicating the Star Wars story, such as Carrie Fisher and Harrison Ford’s affair. But let’s use 30 years as a benchmark for full disclosure; the cinematic equivalent of waiting for government files to be declassified. So mark your calendars for 2046, when we’ll finally learn the full story behind the seemingly catastrophic Rogue One shoot and the momentous efforts Disney/Lucasfilm made to turn the ship around in time for its Dec. 15 release date (yeah, it’s officially Dec. 16, but my tickets say 15).

Some new light was shed in an article for The Hollywood Reporter on Wednesday, which revealed that Tony Gilroy’s (Michael Clayton, The Bourne Legacy) contribution was so extensive that he made over $5 million patching up Rogue One.

In contrast with Disney’s repeated assertions that director Gareth Edwards was still the prime mover behind Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, The Hollywood Reporter piece reveals Gilroy’s extensive involvement went far beyond just writing for reshoots of new material:

“Gilroy started on Rogue One in June, and by August, he was taking a leading role with Edwards in postproduction, which lasted well into the fall. The reshoots are said to have tackled several issues in the film, including the ending.”

Answers producing more questions. How long will it take until we hear about Rogue One ’s original ending?

It remains to be seen whether Disney’s expensive and lengthy revision process can make Rogue One: A Star Wars Story good. The last movie to suffer from such large-scale last minute wranglings was World War Z. Whoof.

Still, I’ve got my ticket and will be keeping my fingers crossed.

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