'Rogue One' Cast And Plot Spoilers: Saw Gerrara's Rebel Hideout Is Built Atop A Pile Of Skulls

  • Science Fiction
The theatrical poster for 'Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.'
The theatrical poster for 'Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.' Lucasfilm

Star Wars News Net has new scans from Star Wars Galactic Maps: An Illustrated Atlas of the Star Wars Universe , out now in Europe but not due in America until Dec. 20, after Rogue One: A Star Wars Story premieres in theaters. They reveal a bit more about Saw Gerrera, the Clone Wars-era guerrilla fighter played by Forest Whitaker in Rogue One.

A big part of the plot of Rogue One is expected to be about Jyn Erso (Felicity Jones) and Cassian Andor (Diego Luna) recruiting spies, assassins and saboteurs for their mission to steal the Death Star plans and find a weakness in the Empire’s new, moon-sized battlestation. This search will take them to the planet of Jedha, a Jedi spiritual center under military occupation by the Empire. Saw Gerrera, prone to violence and extreme tactics, spearheaded the local resistance. His secret base is described and depicted in Star Wars Galactic Maps:

Extremist rebel Saw Gerrera has spent his life fighting guerrilla warfare against first the Separatists and now the Empire. Mistrusted by the Rebel Alliance, he believes violence is the only way to achieve victory. His hidden base on Jedha was once used to store the skeletal remains of the dead.”

Hidden beneath an ancient ruin, Gerrera’s Rebel hideout is depicted as an underground ossuary retrofitted with banks of computers and technical equipment. There’s a lot of this kind of thing going on:

Yes, it’s the ultimate memento mori. Saw Gerrera’s endless war against the Empire is literally situated atop a pile of skulls, maybe even the skulls of various Jedi and other Force-sensitive types who came to Jedha on spiritual pilgrimages. It dramatizes both the massive toll behind all these star wars and what’s at stake should the Empire’s killer spacestation become fully operational.

While Star Wars Galactic Map portrays the Jedha hideout in a cartoon-y style, it will be interesting to see how this Rebel base will be handled in Rogue One. It might just be a darker Star Wars movie than expected when it hits theaters Dec. 16.

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